Lucas & Arthur Jussen

CULTURAL DAYS of the ECB – Netherlands 2010

Tuesday 12 October 2010

These days are set to offer a feast of entertainment, comprising a programme of 22 events drawn up by the European Central Bank in cooperation with De Nederlandsche Bank. This year’s CULTURAL DAYS focuses on modern ballet, contemporary dance performances and recent Dutch literature, in keeping with the particular significance and unique quality of these artistic niches in the Netherlands. A number of concerts will illustrate the advanced musical culture of the country, with its excellent orchestras and outstanding soloists.

Arthur and Lucas Jussen will play on November 2nd in the ‘Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst’ in Frankfurt am Main. See Concerts In addition, the programme includes documentaries, a play, a design exhibition, presentations and discussions, fairy tales for children and a dance workshop for young people.

*CULTURAL DAYS of the ECB – Netherlands 2010*
Site by Alsjeblaft!